I added a clock and a hit counter. And felt very happy on editing the html. Would have felt happier if I had coffee and cheese toast along with it. I like looking at the clock, reminds me of the time ticking away, and then it reminds of the time I`m a wasting and that I need to buy a new one. And that hit counter is total tp...I wish I could have set to a million or so to begin with :D
A conversation with my dad.
Me - Mala tasa gadyal pahije (pointing to an ad of a watch displayed outside a shop).
Dad - To photo pan kimti disto...
I never got the watch :(
A motley collection of my world weary views and thoughts and everything else along with a cuppa coffee. t9 doesn't understand blog. So clog it is...
It wasnt you!
Isnt it just lovely to write something which accuses people in general garnished with enough circumstantial evidence so that almost all think they are in the dock? Just like a PIL. For the record, it wasnt YOU, but you all the same. *snickers*
Tagged. First time evah!
Arka tagged me! Foist time evah! Stupid cartoon accent apart, I seriously did NOT notice it until I read his comment on the last post I posted. I actually asked him when and how and where he tagged me. He told me (without any snide comments about my noobie-ness or the fact that I glossed over that glaring tag like a a a a ....blind noob what else).
I`m supposed to write the first thing that comes to mind regarding the roman alphabet. Ok, its just 26 of them. I can do this. Deep breath. 5 vowels rest consonants. M is bang in the middle. Random thoughts and memories from my 4th standard schorlarship class flicker in and out of my mind. Which i didn`t get btw. So. Hmmm. Myes.
I`m gonna take the easy way out, some might find this really funny or really really stupid.
Q - qwerty keyboard. The `Queela. Alright I made that up. Qawqaw McQaw. A friend`s nick.
W - Wankel engine. The rotary one. RX-7,8 and possibly 9 too. W12 in the Bentley and more recently in the VW Golf.
E - E = mc². \m/ 200 IQ scientist. I`m not letting this degenerate into a nerdy thing. Wait. N for nerd!! Jaguar E type...
R - Racing. Any kind. Type "R" says it all. Russell Peters.
T - The. The word "the". Tyson. Mike. Holyfield`s chewed off ear. Also the person in the pic.
Y - Yiddish. Its a language I think. Yada yada yada does quite nicely too. Yawn? Lancia Y.U - You? Um? Umbopa? The ill fated Fiat Uno? Dr Ulrich Bez.
I - Interesting. Involuntary. ∞....
O - Orange. The big O. Oldsmobile.
P - Porsche!!!!!!
A - Audi. Aura... no. Audi it is.
S - SV : sport veloce. The baby Lambo for example. Shhh...D - Dakota Fanning. And Sarang, because he likes going dhenchu dhenchu. Dacia. Dodge? Yeah. Dodge.
F - Funny bones. Fatfati - my granpa`s name for my bike :D . The Lancer Evo "F"Q version. Some say its a joke the japanese are playing on the americans,
FQ stands for F*** you. Which the car does, in every sense.
G - Gee. Thats it.
H - Hell hath no fury like a blogger scorned (no comments on their posts haha)... Honda. Hoodibaba! Hulk. Humvee.
J - Jaguar. Jugular. Jenna ;)
K - Klonk klunk. Kryptonite. Kal-El. Kris!!
L - Lamborghini. Lada. Lost (the tv series)
Z - Zonda. Zilch. 0. Zurich. Swiss banks.
X - X-men. Taboo? !Xobile. Xenon.
C - Catwoman. Selina. Champagne. 3rd alphabet from A.
V - V6,8,10,12. Vroom vroom.B - B. Bollocks. BMC.
N - Nerd. Yay! Neha. Nissan. Preferably the 350 Z.- The 13th alphabet. Also the last one in the qwerty keyboard.
The 13th warrior. Myes.
And as some noticeably bright people may have noticed,I stressed on the automotive quotient. Which is the way it is, in real time too. The End.
* Credits - images by google, writ material by me. Tadaaaaa!! *
my first (not exactly) post
going through the ever increasing pile of things i was yet to do, i found that i hadn't given any exams as yet. the ones which matter anyway. i have given (more like forced to) exams ever since the word was invented by a loon of a person. i distinctly remember waking up one day when i was kindergarten-ish and thus of a relatively tender age and made to face this horror.
i had frozen, call it stage fright. and my dad had gallantly volunteered to fill in the name,roll number,and standard fill-in-the-blank section of the question paper. i messed up the rest, and generally managed to evade the social stigma of being called a "failure"....
i decided to take charge of my own studies since the 5th standard, and consequently my grades were horrible. along the way, i learnt politeness pays, ass licking does for many, and i also began to hate the teaching staff. the best thing i learnt was how to hide my true feelings, and do the haha-what-a-sport routine like the other nonspecifics out there. being lonely, that was the best company i ever had. it still is. but some wonderful people have muscled their way in, and they are here to stay. good for me, 3 cheers for them! and if you read this, then no, you aint one of them, because i would never let them how important they are to me.
coming back to the subject (wince), of exams, i am just glad i was not born in the medieval times in europe. i would have had to joust and wear wigs and never bathe...and get my teeth bashed in over a piffling matter...ah, bugger exams..